Transport maritime maroc


The Cargo Tracking Note (BSC), the BESC (Electronic Cargo Tracking Note), are systems for collecting documents and processing information, in the context of maritime exports to a client country, in order to ensure prior information, security, resource planning, statistics and more generally in order to participate in the recommendations of the WTO and the WCO on Trade Facilitation & Security.

Under the aegis of the Ministries of Transport and / or the Ministries of Finance, the National Shippers’ Councils are generally the managing authorities of the Electronic Cargo Tracking Note and the General Customs Directorates are responsible for the Entry Summary Declaration.

We inform our kind customers that We Trans has been mandated by the competent authorities of the countries indicated below, via their general agents, to validate Cargo Tracking Slips for all goods (TC, conventional, rolling …) exported to the following destinations: